MI3 : Media Industries, Infrastructures and Institutions

# Sustainable Screenwriting

5 June 2023, 11:00-12:00 CEST, online

As part of its Let’s Talk Screenwriting! series MI3 dedicates one panel to ‘green’ screenwriting: Storytelling plays a crucial role when it comes to creating awareness of the climate crisis. With their power of imagination, narratives have the potential to impact the transition towards a more sustainable future. This panel asks, on the one hand, how screenwriters (can) contribute to creating ecological consciousness in and through their stories (“planet placement”) and addresses, on the other hand, the effect screenplays have on the footprint of a film or television production.

The online session will start with a presentation by Judith Keilbach (Utrecht University) who will present the findings of a small-scale research project on ‘green’ screenwriting. She will then discuss her insights with Helene Granqvist, Valeria Richter, and Zsófia Szemerédy.
Chair: Hanna Surma (Utrecht University) and Florian Krauß (University of Siegen)

If you are interested in attending, please register before 2 June by sending an e-mail to: h.b.surma(at)uu.nl